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August 15, 2023

Half Baked (1998)

"Half Baked" is a stoner comedy film released in 1998. The movie follows the misadventures of three friends who inadvertently find themselves in the world of drug dealing after trying to raise money to bail their fourth frien...

"Half Baked" is a stoner comedy film released in 1998. The movie follows the misadventures of three friends who inadvertently find themselves in the world of drug dealing after trying to raise money to bail their fourth friend out of jail for accidentally killing a diabetic police horse by feeding it junk food. The trio embarks on a series of hilarious escapades and encounters with various colorful characters as they navigate their way through the criminal underworld while maintaining their love for marijuana. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/catchthesevibes/message